If you utter the word awsome then for sure its "ECE" that you are talking about..

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The last waltz

well well well
its july...the monsoons are a bit late and its almost two months since we saw each other as a class... not a long time huh the 4 years just flied right but still we have come a long way those who are going to join infy still have 2 and a half months of stupid boredom waiting for them. The Managers(do i need to name them) have already taken up their positions and needless to say all of us whereever we are headed have a nicely bound but not so nicely formatted copy of Vine.Which as all of us know is not exactly up to date..
now i dont have the privilages to add more writers to this blog but i can invite your comments about your last week in UIET. May 18 to May 24 2009. When all of us packed our bags and bid farewell to some of the best friends we had found in our lives by then. Come on share those final monemts. The famous last words.. Those last glimpses of your friends and finally your feelings when you turned that final time when you left the set of buildings which were built before our very eyes.

Please write up

1 comment:

  1. Struggling with accident wounds..recovering...not so fond memories..But getting the scholarship for Carnegie Mellon..Yeah I remember that :)
